Thursday, April 4, 2013

When all is said and done...

Nurturing doesn't mean worry, it means to care for. Big difference. p.93
And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin. Matthew 6:28
This is especially hard with children or family members that we care for, it is so easy to want to control the situation that they are going through in life, but so hard to stand back and let God's will be done.

For the days I want to worry I have to reach a little higher and trust a little harder. God takes care of the worry. p.93

These days new sheets mark the fact the old ones are worn out.  I'm content on the comfort of well-worn sheets. p.94

As women in Christ, we must learn to stand on our victories, they become our testimonies, but not hold on to them so tight that we allow ourselves to continue to be burdened through them.  When God gives us the grace to overcome, we, like Lot in the bible, must never look back, but must continue to press on for what God has in store for our future.

I'd eventually have to clean out the closet, let go of the stuff...I'd just freed up a lot of space. Gotten rid of years of clutter--given God some elbow room. Still empty is empty and it tends to leave you at a loss wondering what you'll use to fill the void p.94

God doesn't always tell us every step in the long road ahead, but He does guide our steps.  We must walk in the word and use that as our fulfillment and not our immediate future trusting God will lead us.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalms 119:105

Perhaps a set of new sheets would offer her a new outlook on the future. A new start. p.95

We must use our triumphs with God as testimony to encourage others around us in their faith.

God has shaped me through the years taking me from worn to worthy...I'm far from perfect and God knows that, but He has a plan and tomorrow we go shopping together...for new sheets..What I am, is continually under construction and constantly searching... God is a God of forgiveness and grace.  In Him we have a second chance again and again.p.95

We become whole in Christ when we choose to walk with him, we will continue to need his forgiveness daily as we are still sinners in need of a savior, but thank God for His daily grace, when we stumble and fall He is there.  When we are at the top of the mountain overlooking valleys, He is also there cheering us on to run the race and fight the daily fight for Him while we have the opportunity to enjoy an abundant life through His awesome love He has given us.

Today I thank you Lord that my hands could be used to hold the hand of someone in need.
My feet could be used to help someone to take the next step to proceed.
My words could be used to encourage someone to overcome difficulties when days don’t seem so bright.
Help me Lord to always be a light and acceptable in your site.
Assisting the people that cross my path in the fight for life…
And all year through, help my caring touch represent you.
(JD 3/28/13)

Thank you for your participation in this online study, I pray God continues to bless each of you as you walk in His ways and seek His will for your life.

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