Sunday, March 31, 2013

DAYS 29-30 Exchanging Worry for Waiting

Thoughts from Cindy...

Anticipation is the pits.  It's also the land mind of lies.  When anticipation starts, [one imagines] all sorts of things that might happen...Things sometimes seep into my head I can't excommunicate. (p.91)

Trust usually runs a distant second to anticipation.  Trust in the Lord. Easy words spouted but hard words lived..Don't let worry for tomorrow stall you.  If you find yourself pacing, go bird watching. See if they worry..Don't worry, be happy. (p.92-93).

Often times we rely on worldly things to supply our needs for comfort...when situations don't feel right it is easy to get up and walk away failing to see God's plan in it..if only we were to wait for His timing.

Jesus put it well when He tried to teach us not one additional minute would be added to our life if we worry.  Still it's hard. (p.93).

Dr. Stanley's thoughts on faith.  Great faith is knowing God has already done what He promised He'd do...Nurturing doesn't mean worry, it means to care for.  Big difference.  For the days I want to worry I have to reach a little higher and trust a little harder.  God takes care of the worry. (p.93).

VS. Waiting

I've learned waiting on man is fruitless.  Only disappointment comes from that.  But waiting on that's different.  Waiting on Him works.  It's His joy to give us the desires of our heart but He does it in his own time.  While I wait, He teaches me to trust.  Teaches me to rely on Him and He grooms me to wait on what is right and good...God's timing is well worth the wait. (p.89).

I completely get it's my time to wait...but sometimes I grow weary...when you grow tired and wonder if your time will come... [Remember] His plan is perfect and His timing is magnificent.  It's certainly not my timing that bring about the solutions just when I need them most.  When God makes me wait, I learn more than patience.  I learn just how much He loves me. (p.90). 

Are there times in your life where you grow weary?  When its hard to tell up from down and encouragement around you seems sparse.  Surprisingly, these are some of the main times God speaks to us..perhaps it is our desire to have an answer..desperation..or maybe that when things are good our lives are too loud to hear the still, small voice calling us to sit in His presence.  Well just as Cindy describes waiting is always better than worry and choosing a life guided by Jesus leaving behind traditional law and self-righteousness is the only way to have freedom.  So today on this Easter Sunday Just Give me a Large Dose of Jesus..because I know He will fulfill all my needs.
Listen to this video from the daughter of Billy Graham, Ann Graham Lotz...then sit at the feet of Jesus as you meditate on who Jesus really is and what that means for you and me.

Happy Easter!!!

1 comment:

  1. Jess, I want to thank you for presenting this devotional study to us. I enjoyed the songs and the videos you added to it. They were very thought provoking and offered us a lot to meditate on. It was obviously a time-consuming effort for you, but great contemplation for us. I really appreciate this labor in the Lord you offered to us. God bless you.
