Thursday, March 14, 2013

Day 25 The Peace of God

When the world around us seems desperate, when the winds blow from every direction around us, there is a still small voice whispering "Peace be still" in our storms.
Mark 4:39 And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.
May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels."

In Psalm 122:7, we have "peace" and "prosperity," and in 35:27; 73:3, shalom (Hebrew) it is translated "prosperity." ( (Also can be translated health and safety).

In the world, when someone has no peace, they have nothing no matter what materials one can obtain in a peace means no times confusion..discontentment..and ultimately may mean misery.  Indeed, I can understand how peace = prosperity for many when we as Christians have the peace of the Lord throughout our lives...even though the waves rage around us it is the idea that our boat is guided by a captain who has a plan for us, perfect planning, and was willing to die for us so that we didn't have to sink in our own sin.

It is the peace of God that Cindy describes as she goes through the roller coaster of divorce, single parenthood, meeting her kids needs, and the transition into a new marriage.  It is a peace that keeps her on her knees wanting to be connected to her creator, craving more time with Him.  It is a peace that gives her strength and hope knowing God holds her in His hands and loves her like no one else could.  Are you connected to His perfect peace?  Peace as we learned today can mean both security and prosperity. 

Lamentations 3:17-26 NIV I have been deprived of peace; I have forgotten what prosperity is.

Quotes from Cindy: p.80  Peace is comforting. For lack of better words, it's the aftermath of acceptance [which] leads to prosperity.  Not always the monetary type of prosperity, but abundance, growth, and well-being... Once I handed over any stinky issues to [Christ], it was like a good hard scrub with Mr. Clean.  The cleansing brought acceptance.  The acceptance brought me peace and prosperity--that abundance, growth, and well-being I needed.
p.81 When I'm at my stinkiest, God sprays me with His aroma of grace and forgiveness.

What are your thoughts on peace?  Does God's peace bring acceptance, prosperity, or security to your life?

I encourage you to listen to Vickie Yohe's song again entitled Mercy into the arms of a savior that wants you to have perfect peace in your life as you fully surrender to His divine control.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I so much love that song. It is amazing to me that He had a plan to draw me to his mercy seat before I even had enough sense to know to go there. I love His mercy. I have experienced it so many times. It is such a place of peace. These words in John confirm what He offers to the world: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid" (14:27). It makes me sad for all the people who have not known this. I have had the privilege of having good parents and good friends, but in my life, no one or nothing has been able to give me peace like He can. I just wish I had paid attention earlier and grabbed hold of His promises.
