Sunday, March 3, 2013


1.The soft feel of Pima and Supima make them very desirable in bedding.(p.65).

How many times have we heard the saying "the grass is not always greener on the other side?"  Each season has its own challenges...

2.My first set of Egyptian cotton 600 count sheets.  They were a soft lavender color, solid... no print..(p.67).

How many people spend this lifetime looking for something solid?

Obviously the solid in our lives is always Christ, however there are some christians who struggle with the fact that no one's life will ever be perfect.

3.It didn't take long for me to understand the satin sheets were sweet but they required special care.  Up to this point, my sheets were exceptionally functional. Suddenly I had to wash on gentle cycle, dry on delicate and change them twice a week because they were hot to sleep on...I learned as I entered this new season of my life, God was teaching me my treasure was where my heart lay. p.67

Today, we spoke about Nehemiah 8:10 and the importance of the joy of the Lord.  Cindy also discusses this.  The joy of my life was in the moments we'd struggled and then broken through to sucess.  New sheets were a tradition I'd begun years earlier that offered me hope for the future.  Now my hope for the future lies solely in the hand of my Father..My home was comfortable, my heart conent and happiness shifted from the things of the world to the spiritual. p.68

If we allow the joy of the Lord to be our strength then the outside events of our lives will not affect our inner peace.  The storms around us may rage, but with joy from the Lord being our strength we can rely on God for our present and our future endeavors.  After listening to the song above and  to Angie Smith/Selah story behind the song "I will carry you."  Think about how God has helped you have a different perspective on life's challenges...perhaps it was a situation that could have been looked at as tragedy and yet God blessed you through it because your eyes remained looking at Him.

Still prima doesn't come without its problems.  As wonderful as they are, the require maintenance..But so do I. p.68

So many times we may become comfortable being a christian, content on what we know to already to be true, perhaps there is times where we struggle with continuing to seek God's face and will for our lives, but God truths can teach us something new every day. 
1 Corinthians 3:2 
I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready.
As we learn more about God, more is expected of us.  Although we may start our walk with God with baby food, His destiny for us does not include us just partaking of baby food.  As we mature in God our responsibilities grow...much like how Cindy discusses how her sheets are "softer" now, but they also require a whole lot more responsibility.  Once we grow and mature in the Lord, we are responsible for upkeeping a deep daily walk with Him so that we can continue to be transformed by his word and promises.  It is the walk with Him that keeps us afloat when life's circumstances are out of our control..He is always in control.



  1. Audry's story brought to my mind the sting of the diagnosis we received when my granddaughter was still in the womb. Like the song suggests, the Lord "carried" us through it. And he proved himself faithful. I am reminded of the impact that John 10:10-11 had on me at the time: "The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy; I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full." Through a dark time, the Lord gave us life, and the life of my little granddaughter has given "fullness" in the midst of it. God is good, and His mercy endures forever.

  2. What a great scripture, thank you for sharing this experience with the group.
