Thursday, February 28, 2013

Throughout Creation We See God's Presence in Our Lives (Days 18-20)

How can people look at this royal artistry [sunrise] and question the existence of the Creator?
To me, it is the ultimate of God's creation, His promise for renewal...God in all His glory offers us an opportunity to see Him brush by...just for an instant as the sun opens into day or just before the moon rises...(p.57)


My eyes are fresh in the morning.  I look at the world from a rested mind and a quieted heart. To me, I hear Him best in the silence of the sunrise. I love the anticipation of how the day will open and I can't wait for the surprises God has in store...Rejoice in the Lord be grateful in the beauty of His creation (p.58)

What do you think of Cindy's description of sunrise?  How is it similar or different than your own perspective when you see the sun beaming over the horizon?
The same darkness and undertow pull at me, sometimes in directions I am not confident.  If I stay in very shallow water I can see where I'm stepping.(p.59).
What a thrill to trust fully in the master of the sea.(p.60). Venture out a little deeper and trust even in the hard things you face. You'll come out changed.(p.62).
As we spoke earlier in the study, God has a plan for each of us (Jeremiah 29:11).  He teaches his children, loves them, and watches as they grow in His love.  My father in heaven loves me.  He rejoices in me and He quiets my troubled soul with His love.(p.63).
When we look at the sunrise every morning, or listen closely to the waves, we see and hear our Creator as His presence surrounds us.  Looking at His creation I am reminded that He is not a God of What ifs.  but He is the GREAT I AM. 

If He paints the skies better than any artist and controls the waves, what does that mean for your life or mine?

Tomorrow as you start your day take a minute to look around, see if you can spot a bird, sunset, or maybe even sunrise and thank God that we are not in charge of the artistry of the sky or the moodiness of the waves, but that God holds us in His hands along with the rest of the world and loves us right where we are...a part of His grand creation.

1 comment:

  1. I'm usually getting ready for work during sunrise if it's a weekday, so sometimes my husband calls me from work to tell me to step outside and look at the sky if the sunrise is spectacular that morning. Or sometimes he'll take a picture on his phone and send it to me via text. So we are a sunrise (and sunset) family. The sunrise brings to mind Lamentations 3:22, "Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." And I love to be reminded of Matthew 6:27,"Which of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?" I should plaster that one on my body somewhere, so I can remember that from sunrise on, I should not waste the time that He gave me by worrying.
