Friday, February 22, 2013

Round Table Discussion For Days 8-10

Round Table Discussion

1.What do you think she means when she says "it's easier to say I've been hurt than to admit my own failures?" (p.28)

2. Can you identify with the oyster/pearl relationship she describes on p. 29?
2b..Does anyone know how a pearl forms in an oyster?

3. Have you ever felt that "it's hard to walk away from a fight"?(p.30)
She says "our nature leads us to defend our honor regardless of whether we're right or wrong..folks waited for me to retaliate wasn't my battle."(p.30). 
3b. Have you ever had a battle that you leaned on God to fight?

4.Cindy reiterates that Ecclesiastes speaks about a time for everything.."when you feel the battles of life are overwhelming ask God for discernment" (p.31)
Ecclesiastes 3:1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven

5. On p. 33 she speaks about integrity and how the scriptures in Proverbs help us to glean wisdom from the Proverbs.  Have you ever had a specific Proverb that really spoke to you?
Proverbs 10:9 The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.
5-4-3-2-1...Let's Chat!


  1. I absolutely love Proverbs. As I mentioned once before I followed the counsel of a Godly women once when I began reading a proverb each day that matched with the date of that month. Even after reading the same proverb several times, I never felt like it was old stuff, because there was always a new revelation waiting to be found. I needed fixing so badly and Proverbs took care of much of that. It set boundaries for me and it provided goals. And it helped me to know the Lord more. It's so hard to pick a favorite. In some of my older bibles, so much is underlined!! :) I can honestly say the wisdom in Proverbs has helped me get through so many conflicting times in my life.

  2. I love to read Proverbs, too. For seasons I have read one Proverb a day. I once heard a young married lady sharing that her father required that she read the book of Proverbs and determine the do's and don't's and the wise and foolish statements before she could get married. She was so glad that her father wisely guided her life and it prevented her from marrying the wrong man. Proverbs is truly a book a wisdom

  3. Thanks for your comments, I agree Proverbs has alot of wisdom to offer us from God. Reading through Proverbs throughout the month is a great idea.
