Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Week 2

This week we will be reviewing everything from the intro to day 13.  We will continue our discussion with a question.  What do you think it means to make the "most of every opportunity.." for christian women?- Colossians 4:5(p.9)

Cindy discusses how Paul spent a lot of his life teaching others about their actions.  "Devote yourself to prayer, be watchful, be kind, encouraging.  Let your conversations be full of grace..be wise in how you act toward outsiders and make the most of every opportunity...[sharing] the love of Christ with everyone" (p.9)

She speaks about even though the prison guards were mean, "Paul loved them anyway." (p.9)

As women in general we mostly thrive on communication, it is so easy to talk about others when they offend us, are mean to us, or ignore us.  However, it is much harder to love them with a Godly love.
How does this affect you?  Do you think it is hard for christians not to gossip?

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