Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Will of God: DAYS 5-7

Sometimes the will of God is a little inconvenient but it's never out of the question..[the key is] learning to discern and prioritize service to Him...p. 18

You never know whose life will intertwine with yours or just how God will use you. p.18

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord

1 Corinthians 15:58 

The call we follow is not to please men, it's to please God. p.18 Over and over Paul reminds us to rejoice in the situation [we are] in. Be steadfast and courageous. (p. 19)
Accepting the call to serve does not promise a pat on the back...but is never in vain. God uses every seed we plant on His behalf. p.20
God calls us to serve, not to pick the bounty..when we plant, hoe, and work He is glorified.  If by chance we see the harvest then how fortunate are we? p. 19-20

Labor is gruesome, hard, and sometimes painful. But God never promised it would be easy...Once again I was broken. p.23

Your future [is ] in the Palm of [His] Hand. p.21  Seek His will, He wants the best for you and do not grow weary, remember that we are not broken in God's eyes.  We are lifted up, loved and held in esteem as we serve for Him and with Him. p.23

Do you ever find it challenging to do God's will?
How do you know you are in God's will?
I can't wait to hear what God is doing in each of your lives.


  1. I like the advice of the guy in the skit: Do what you can with what you have. First of all, we have this day, as a gift from God. He didn't have to give it to us. So, it is so encouraging to know that whatever we do in this day for Him, it "will not be in vain." I so much hate wasting time, because as a working woman, time is such a big deal to me. It passes before you're finished doing what you were hoping to do. So, with God, the promises in 1 Corinthians 15:58 is like a safety net for me that protects me from "wasting" time when it comes to serving Him.

  2. "Be yourself:An original is always worth more than a copy." I find that when we truly seek God and His will for our lives, we discover the gifts He placed within us. When we accept who we are and how He created us then we function in those giftings and quit trying to be someone else. The Body of Christ needs each of us doing what God created us to do, according to 1 Corinthians 15:58
    "always enthusiastic about the Lord's work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless."NLT So no matter how simply it seems, when we do it for the Lord it is never useless.

  3. Val and Rinalda,
    Thank you for your comments, it is awesome how God uses this verse to speak to us in such a real way. I love how God speaks to each of us individually.
