Wednesday, February 27, 2013

It's Half Time Ladies...

The superbowl has a half time can we since we are half-way through our study!
OUR REDEEMER, I can't be a doubter,
He always hears us, whether we are quiet or a little louder!
Time to Check In...Please make sure to answer all of the questions

Ask yourself then share with us...

What has God shown you through His word and this study in the last month?


Has it helped to have women around you discussing some of the same topics?

What else would you like to see in the bible study or topics that you would like covered for future studies?

From Days 16-17

He sees the deepest crevices of my heart, knows my fears and still finds me loveable. (p.53)

When I offer my purest love to Him, He takes hold of me, squeezes me tight, crams in the coaster car and says, "let's go!"(p.53).

It's amazing how God places those who are perfect for us into our lives.  If we'd only be patient, not rush His plan and process.  I firmly believe every person I meet is a divine meeting.(p.55-56).

Value those who cross your path. Love even the hard-to-love.  They will shape you and you will shape them.  Between the two, God will refine you into perfection.(p.56).

***Please feel free to share anything up to  our reading on Day 17***


  1. To me, just the fact that we are in this together is a blessing. I would like to share a few scriptures in that respect:
    I am a companion of all who fear You and of those who keep your precepts (Ps. 119:63)
    Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, and the Lord listened and heard them; so a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the Lord and meditate on His name (Malachi 3:16)

    These scriptures help me realize the value of the godly women (and men) that the Lord has put in my life. They are very important to my walk with Him. So I think it is a wonderful thing when we have fellowship around around the word of God, even if it is through technology.

  2. With fellowship, we have some type of accountability in our lives which helps us to grow in Christ. Thank you for sharing.
