Monday, February 18, 2013

Putting on the full armor of God: Are you ready for this week? Reviewing Days 3-5

Good morning Ladies,

Since we are taking our time with each concept in order to fully understand it and since we have new members of our group that have recently joined us we will be officially covering up to day 13 this week.  Since this is not just a regular website and it is an interactive virtual bible study I encourage each of you to post at least once this week.  God has an amazing way of speaking through us to other sisters and I think this will help us to all grow from each other.

So are you ready for this week?  Let's talk about putting on the full armor of God.

Ephesians 6:11 New International Version (NIV)

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes
  On p.11-12 Cindy talks about how Paul "reminded us of the importance of suiting up in the full armor of God.  Covering ourselves in the protection of Christ then taking every type of prayer request before Him."

Do you cover yourself with God's armor when you start your day? 
I encourage you to "take your needs to Christ." (p.13).

When knights accept the call in the movies what happens?

Usually there is a ceremony and they get their official armor, right?

 The hardest part of our Christian walk  "is the willingness to accept the call." (p.15)  But just like a knight is dependent on his armor for protection depending on God to cover us is important.  In fact, "the gift of dependence on God [is] having every need met and growing to know Him, Trust Him, need Him."(p.15).  David's writing shows how he "could pour himself into the hands of God in such a repentant and desiring way.."(p.16).  "Nothing is more important than quenching [your] thirst for the Father." (p.17). 

So are you hungry to get that thirst met?  Are you ready to put on your armor and be dependent on Him this week? 
Your mission should you decide to accept it is found below.


  1. This is so encouraging. My daughter and I enjoyed the video to go along with it. I have been wanting to start this with my family daily and have been dragging my feet. Now, I accept the challenge of putting on The Whole Armor of God this week and I pray I can continue this as a daily habit for life.

  2. It's been my experience that the best place to start with "armoring up" is in the Word of God. Reading it has an "equipping" quality. It educates the reader as to the thoughts of God as to how the Christian should respond TO and respond IN the world. Part of armoring up is "becoming" correct because we have so many errors in our thinking and the Word of God straightens that out for the person who "has ears to hear." Early in my walk with the Lord, someone suggested that one way to become acquainted with the Bible was to read a proverb a day. Since there are 31 proverbs, a person can read one a day. I continued doing this for years, and it had quite a cleansing effect for me. In a way, it served as part of my armor.

  3. Proverbs is a great way to start reading God's word. When we read God's word daily it becomes part of our thoughts. Thoughts become words, words become actions, and actions become habits. I am so glad we are accepting the challenge, now we just have to reflect on it throughout our day.
