Saturday, March 16, 2013

Days 26-27 He is the Word

I thinks sometimes we can love something so much we lose sight of it.  Our intentions are pure, our heart right, but we trip all over ourselves...H sees our effort but what must hurt Him is our failure to see the obvious...Him.  He's the Word, given to us in unconditional love and yet we miss His presence...miss His love. p.82

God is obvious in scripture but often we thumb through the pages never grasping that the Word is Him.  Instead we search for Him in the most difficult places. p.82

Still, God is teaching me and it's not an easy process. I've fought words all my life..Lies.."you could do better, you're not part of the group, go away," or the most infamous..."Can you help?"...Folks like you for your abilities then drop you after..the project is done.  I still fight words just like this. p.84

The real AH moment in this is not only that the word was with God, but the Word is God.  When I carry it with me, I carry Him everywhere I go. p.84

I am His BRIDE..saved by His GRACE..confident in Him..wonderfully made..His treasure..I am TRANSFORMED!P.84

I'm learnind I don't label myself the same way God does and just because the lies of the world attack me does not mean God loves me less.  His words are amazing becaus He is nothing short of Almighty. p.84

Have you ever had a ring on your finger get stuck to where you couldn't get it off?  When it just wouldn't go past your is almost as if the ring becomes part of you..As we dig deeper into God's word and continue to meditate on His goodness and faithfullness everyday it will also become part of us, staying with us as we walk through our lives.  Soon our reactions are not the same, our intentions change, and our behavior reflects the transforming word within us as we continue to write his commandments on our hearts..If the word was WITH God and the word WAS God then as the word is written on our hearts then God is able to touch our life and the lives of others because the word is alive in us...As we are only weeks away from Easter remember Jesus died, but we celebrate Easter on the third day because He is alive, resurrected, and we each have an opportunity to grab hold of Him and His living word.  Do our lives reflect Jesus' resurrection and the living word within us?  Traditions may come and go, but it is THE WORD in us that will remain the same tride and true to deliver us every day from the world's chaos.  We just have to take the first step..commit our ways to Him and begin the path of obedience as we read his word and it consumes our walk with Him.

What words make a difference in you life?  Let Christ be the only Word that counts..p.85

1 comment:

  1. The Word of God has made such a difference in my life. I can't live without it.
