Monday, March 11, 2013

Days 22-23 His Way is ALWAYS better than our way

It's funny to think about how our lives would turn out if they were always governed by our thoughts.  I like how Cindy starts out with this scripture from Isaiah...It is quite clear to the reader that God's thoughts are not equal to our own..The scripture even uses the visual picture of the heavens compared to earth when describing HIS THOUGHTS vs. our thoughts..
Do you think that our thoughts become more like His as we study His word?
As we seek to know God more we find that no matter how close we get we are astounded with the realization of the magnificence of a God who at times has plans that we may not even understand...  As we seek Him though, we find Him in every aspect of our lives if we look hard enough.
Are you dealing with a time in your life that you don't understand this week?
Have you asked in prayer for a Godly perspective as you move throughout your day?
Are you seeking His will or relying on your own thoughts...?  It could be the difference between Heavenly and earthly thoughts according to this scripture in Isaiah above.

 Let go and leave it to God you may be surprised that in the midst of chaotic days He fills you with peace and happiness as you acknowledge and appreciate that He is always in control of your situation whether you realize it or not.
A Look at Cindy's thoughts
p.72 I understand my way is not always the right way or the only way and gaining what I want in an instant may not be the best for the future.
p.72-73 Even when its hard, God knows best and my concession to Him is not weakness but obedience.
p.73 Sometimes being right is not always what is best.  As you look over your own life, decide the times being right is really right.  There's something to be said for humility.
p.75 That's the amazing thing about God.  Sometimes He makes us wait to the ultimate last moment.
Do you struggle with some of the same thoughts as Cindy describes in these two chapters???  Are there other thoughts that go through your mind when you think of God's way vs. your own?

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