Tuesday, March 26, 2013


MATTHEW 22:8-10,14
What do you think about Cindy's thoughts on Day 28?
Can you relate below?
Set aside time for those who move your agenda ahead...My goal wasn't to advance upward, but to expand outward...This kings's friends were too busy to attend the banquet so he opened the doors to everyone...Sadly enough, more chose to be too busy than those who chose to make time...Jesus, in His unconditional love, welcomes me to His banquet. (p.86-87).
Standing my Christian ground sometimes leaves me standing in the rain..real Christianity doesn't bring us great success (in the wordly sense)...Earthly goals are good, but it's the spiritual ones that carry the weight. (p.88)
As Christians our goals should not be to do all and be as wide as possible or as high as possible in positioning, but to have deep relationships that challenge us to expand our lives into becoming more like Christ, closer to God, and to live inspired by His example and encouraged by Godly men and women.
So often people use not having time as an excuse to not be challenged (Can you believe the king's friends didn't have time to attend?), not step into their calling, and not step out of the box which currently impairs God's calling on their lives.  It takes courage to make new friends, pursue the relationships that count, and continue to grow with God..but God calls us by name.  He knows our potential and we just have to step into it.  Many are called, but few are chosen, is a verse that should cause us to rise above, reevaluate our priorities, and be obedient to God even though at times initially it may not make sense to our carnal minds.
Or perhaps you are living the chosen life and your friends have not shown up yet...Well, invite some guests to join you on your journey.  You just may find yourself to be surprised as with God's divine intervention, there is no mistakes on our journey with Him.
Are you like Cindy?  Is it easy to pursue upwards and not outwards?  How often do you check your priorities?  Do you talk about church, but have trouble living out God's love or calling for your life?  Take time today to re-evaluate priorities in your quiet time, make a list of your top 10, and where your pursuit of God is?  Is it number 1 or 10?  And if its in a place somewhere near the back burner, I encourage you today to begin cooking up a new pursuit with God.  Don't wait till tomorrow..today has enough sin in it-..begin asking God for a new revelation, a new time, a new longing for Him.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. ~Matthew 6:34

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